28 August, 2024
Job's not finished, says Native Title claimant
Tanya Kum Sing still wants to improve the lives of her people.

Native Title claimant Tanya Kum Sing says the determination is only the starting point for the work ahead of the Mitakoodi and Mayi People.
She said the groups have established the Mitakoodi and Mayi People Native Title Aboriginal Corporation, which is the entity that will hold and be responsible for managing their native title rights and interests moving forward.
She said the establishment of the Prescribed Body Corporate would provide employment and business opportunities for local Indigenous people.
Ms Kum Sing said the corporation was specifically looking to encourage young people to start businesses on the newly recognised traditional lands in addition to establishing an on-country ranger program.
“We want to look for ways to break the cycle for our people – we have too many of our mob that are on Centrelink,” she said.
“We want to find new opportunities that will give our people more employment options - like to own and operate their own businesses or work with businesses in the mining industry.”
Ms Kum Sing said the corporation would lead new negotiations with miners and landholders on the impacted areas to ensure the protection of sacred sites and maintain cultural heritage.
She said there would be a focus on encouraging younger Indigenous people to attend future meetings of the corporation to ensure the next generations are actively involved in the decision-making process going forward.